
God Holds Tomorrow

It took nearly a year, but my preemie has just come down with his first cold. I’ll be honest with you; I find it a little frightening. While the average person experiences a cold as an unpleasant inconvenience, a simple cold has the potential to become something much worse in preemies due to their disadvantaged immune system and underdeveloped lungs.

I spent some time yesterday worrying about all of the horrible things that this runny nose could turn into. However, as I did so, I realized that worrying wouldn’t change anything. Thinking about what could go wrong isn’t going to make my baby better. Although I can pray about it and take steps towards ensuring a positive outcome, I have no control over what happens in the future.

Isn’t this true for us in other aspects of our lives too? We desire to have everything under control, and we make plans to have our lives “just so,” often striving for perfection and idealism. However, the uncomfortable truth is that life is unpredictable and sometimes things happen which are beyond our control.

If I’ve learned anything this past year, it’s that tomorrow holds no guarantees…except one: we have a mighty God who is already there. It’s in this truth that my soul finds peace.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 (NIV)



The Way to Find Peace


“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

A mother always remembers the first time she sees her baby. All of my children are precious, but the day I met my youngest will forever pull on my heartstrings. I had to be wheeled up to the NICU to see him because he entered this world much too soon. As I sat by his isolette, marvelling at how tiny and perfect he was, his nurse gently placed her hand on my shoulder and whispered, “They say that having your baby in the NICU is like riding an emotional rollercoaster, full of highs and lows. Be prepared for good days and bad days. He has a long road ahead of him.”

Our first low arrived late one night when the hospital’s phone number illuminated our call display. My hands trembled as I answered the phone. I listened intently while the doctor explained that they were going to run some tests because they were concerned about my tiny baby. He promised to call us back as soon as they knew more, then said a hasty goodbye.

Several minutes passed. A knot formed in my stomach as worry clouded my heart. I stared at the phone and thought, Please ring! I don’t want to wait any longer! I want answers now!

Desperate and impatient, I turned to the internet for more information. However, my husband quickly interrupted my search by reminding me, “Elise, God’s got us this far. We don’t know what his plan is in all of this, but we know that he’s got this. Instead of searching the internet, let’s pray and look to Him.” Reluctantly, I closed my search. I knew that he was right, that the pesky knot in my stomach couldn’t be undone simply by learning more about my son’s condition. The only way I was going to find peace was to give my worries to God.

In 1 Peter 5:7 we are told, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” These are simple, specific instructions given to us by our Heavenly Father. In the same way that children share their fears and concerns with their parents, so are we to bring our problems to Him. And yet, just as I quickly turned to the internet for answers, sometimes we are reluctant to go to God first.

Maybe we hesitate because we need to feel like we’re in control of a situation. Or, perhaps we believe that our circumstances are too big, or too insignificant, to give to God. Regardless of our reasons, God is always there. He stands with outstretched arms, patiently waiting for us to surrender all of our burdens to Him.

We only need to remember that he is.

