Bite-Sized Reads

The Best Moms Take Care of Themselves, Too

Lately, I’ve been battling bedtime. When the kids go to bed, I find I’m torn between three choices: clean house, go to bed myself or take some time to do something for me (before the baby wakes up, again).

The other day I had a conversation with someone who asked what I do for me, how I relax and unwind. To be honest, I’m rarely ever intentional about taking time for me. Usually, I just sneak in a Facebook post or work on the blog, but that’s still not something I’ve managed to do regularly–there’s nothing I’m purposefully doing daily to quiet my mind and renew my soul.
As such, there are times when I feel as though there’s not much left to give, like I’m squeezing out the last drops of my strength for my children. The reality is that, unless I take time to care for myself too, I’m probably running on empty.

In order to be the best mom I can be, I have to remember to take care of me.

I know, it can feel hard to take care of yourself. After all, no matter how many kids they have, moms give 100% of themselves all day long, so who has the time? The truth is that I think we tend to make “me time” harder than it needs to be. It can be something as simple as making a cup of tea and reading a magazine article while the kids nap or watch TV.

No matter whether you stay at home, go to work, or work from home, I would encourage you to join with me and start being intentional about finding some time to care for yourself each day. I believe doing so will make a difference both in how we feel and in the way we relate to our kids.

Me? Well, I’m planning to make some time to colour (in my adult colouring book, for the first time) alongside my kids.



The post, “The Best Moms Take Care of Themselves, Too” first appeared on my Facebook Page on February 12, 2016

God Holds Tomorrow

It took nearly a year, but my preemie has just come down with his first cold. I’ll be honest with you; I find it a little frightening. While the average person experiences a cold as an unpleasant inconvenience, a simple cold has the potential to become something much worse in preemies due to their disadvantaged immune system and underdeveloped lungs.

I spent some time yesterday worrying about all of the horrible things that this runny nose could turn into. However, as I did so, I realized that worrying wouldn’t change anything. Thinking about what could go wrong isn’t going to make my baby better. Although I can pray about it and take steps towards ensuring a positive outcome, I have no control over what happens in the future.

Isn’t this true for us in other aspects of our lives too? We desire to have everything under control, and we make plans to have our lives “just so,” often striving for perfection and idealism. However, the uncomfortable truth is that life is unpredictable and sometimes things happen which are beyond our control.

If I’ve learned anything this past year, it’s that tomorrow holds no guarantees…except one: we have a mighty God who is already there. It’s in this truth that my soul finds peace.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 (NIV)



You’re Doing Better Than You Think

At the end of each day I take some time to reflect on how it went. As I thought about today, I realized that I forgot to give my kids their vitamins. Once I recognized my mistake, l found myself uttering the words, “Ugh! I’m such a bad mom.”

Hold on…Forgetting my kids’ vitamins makes me a bad mom? Really?

Why is it that we are so quick to dwell on our mistakes and our weaknesses rather than focusing on our strengths? Maybe it’s because we want to be better? Or, perhaps it’s more than that; maybe we’re striving for perfection and, in doing so, are holding ourselves to an unobtainable standard.

The truth is that no one is perfect; no one has it all together.

When I was teaching, I would remind my students of this by responding to their mistakes (and my own) by saying, “It’s okay! Everyone makes mistakes!” Afterwards, we would all share a laugh and move on; no one was ever made to feel embarrassed by their mistake.

And so, on days like today, when critical thoughts creep in, I’m working on remembering that truth: no one is perfect. I’m starting to focus on my strengths, and I’m learning that I am not defined by my shortcomings, but rather by my heart. My love for God and my family and others, as well as my intentions, are a much better measure of my character.

“As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.” Proverbs 27:19

As you look back on your day, remember to give yourself some grace tonight; you’re doing better than you think!



The Post, “You’re Doing Better than you Think” first appeared on my Facebook Page on January 25, 2016.

It’s All About Perspective

It was late, and I was tired after a long, busy day with three active little boys. As I stared at the massive pile of kids’ laundry on my bed, the last thing I wanted to do was fold it. Just as I started to grumble under my breath, a thought stopped me short.

I remembered that just over a year ago I was in the hospital on bed rest. During that time I would have given anything to be at home with my boys, even if it meant doing laundry–something I was physically unable to do at the time.

Then, I reflected on Rydon’s NICU stay. There were days when I often wondered if I would ever be able to wash and use my baby clothes again…

And with those thoughts, all of my feelings of irritation vanished. In that moment I stopped and thanked God for three beautiful, healthy children to do laundry fo,r and I was grateful that I’m once again able to do their laundry.

Now I’m finding new things to be thankful for every day…

It’s all about perspective, friends.



The post, “It’s All About Perspective” first appeared on my Facebook Page on January 19, 2016.

God Knows How The Pieces of Your Life Fit Together

Just yesterday my two-year-old son was doing a puzzle at the table. He had all the pieces put together correctly, except the last piece. That last piece frustrated him because he was adamant that it fit in a certain way and it wasn’t working. It was difficult for him to see that the piece didn’t fit because it was meant to go in differently. Eventually, he called out to me for help, and I showed him how to turn it. After the piece was rotated, it fell into place, and the picture was complete.

Our lives are much the same as that puzzle. We think that we see the whole picture and know how the pieces should go, but ultimately it’s God who knows how they fit together. Often we find ourselves trying to force things to work that were never meant to be. I’m not sure what you’re facing right now, but trust that God has you right where he wants you. There is a plan for your life, a far greater picture that you cannot see. Open up your heart, keep your faith in Him, follow His lead and believe that things will come together in the way they are meant to be.



This post first appeared on my Facebook page on December 23, 2015.